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Burning Witches


Ja-zeker, in 2020 is er weer een Tattoo-Easter-Fest…!! in 2019 was onze easter editie zeer succesvol en daarom in 2020…

UITGESTELD – Ross The Boss – Burning Witches – Asomvel

De Europese toer van Ross The Boss gaat niet door. Het optreden van 29 november in Baroeg is dus helaas…

AFGELAST – Ross The Boss – Burning Witches

The ROSS THE BOSS band states, “We – the ROSS THE BOSS band – are really excited to announce this monster Euro tour.…

Into The Grave festival: Obituary headlining Loud Noise stage on Saturday

Into The Grave festival: Obituary headlining Loud Noise stage on Saturday 18-12-2019 Into The Grave festival: Obituary headlining Loud Noise…

9 New names added to Into The Grave festival

9 New names added to Into The Grave festival 13-12-2019 9 New names added to Into The Grave festivalThere are…

BURNING WITCHES to release third studio album “Dance With The Devil” on March 6

BURNING WITCHES to release third studio album "Dance With The Devil" on March 6 Photo Credit: Liné Hammett 13-12-2019 BURNING…

Burning Witches – Wings Of Steel

Burning Witches – Wings Of SteelNuclear BlastRelease datum: 06 december 2019Tekst: Ramon – 24 november 2019 “Op de drie live…

BURNING WITCHES release ‘Wings Of Steel’ guitar playthrough

BURNING WITCHES unveil 'Wings Of Steel' guitar playthrough 8-11-2019 BURNING WITCHES unveil ‘Wings Of Steel’ guitar playthroughNew 12″ EP out…

BURNING WITCHES release ‘Wings Of Steel’ vinyl EP on December 6th

BURNING WITCHES release 'Wings Of Steel' vinyl EP on December 6th 16-10-2019 BURNING WITCHES to release ‘Wings Of Steel’ vinyl…

Burning Witches

Burning Witches  Laura Guldemond: “Unless you are Marilyn Manson or Alice Cooper, or whatever, it is better if you also…