Lords of Metal
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Aviana – Strains

“The start of a new era!” After making their mark in Scandinavian Metal scene with the 2017 debut »Polarize«, sons of…

AS I LAY DYING release music video for their fourth single ‘Blinded’

AS I LAY DYING release music video for their fourth single 'Blinded' 14-09-2019 In one week, San Diego quintet AS…

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH Have Released An Exclusive Preview Of A New Track “INSIDE OUT”

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH’s eight studio album is set for release in winter 2020. 13-09-2019 WINTER 2020 ARENA HEADLINING TOUR…

AS I LAY DYING – release fifth album trailer discussing the artwork for “Shaped By Fire”

AS I LAY DYING - release fifth album trailer discussing the artwork for "Shaped By Fire" 12-09-2019 AS I LAY…

Awake The Dreamer

Awake The Dreamer  Benjamin Turesson : “Het verschil met Europa is dat het hier een pak moeilijker is om er…

CALL OF CHARON release new single “Crown Of Creation”

CALL OF CHARON release new single "Crown Of Creation" 10-09-2019 CALL OF CHARON release new digital singleThe third digital single…

AVIANA announce »Epicenter European Tour 2019« with special guests STRAINS

AVIANA announce »Epicenter European Tour 2019« with special guests STRAINS 10-09-2019 AVIANA announced their »Epicenter European Tour 2019« with special…

Lamb Of God – Kreator – Power Trip

2 giants of extreme metal have teamed up to lay waste to European shores in 2020. Grammy nominated Richmond, VA…

Awake The Dreamer – Damaged Souls

Awake The Dreamer – Damaged SoulsArising EmpireRelease datum: 20 september 2019Tekst: Koen de Waele – 09 september 2019 “Kortom: dit…

DukeTown Rebel Fest

Deze 6de en tevens laatste editie gaat weer een moker harde worden! Det jaar met meer gierende gitaren en lompe…