ANVIL's STEVE 'LIPS' KUDLOW: “I will not, and do not, voice my opinion on actual politics”

In a new interview with Canada’s The Metal Voice, ANVIL frontman Steve “Lips” Kudlow discussed the lack of political writing in his songs. He said: “I will not, and do not, voice my opinion on actual politics. I’m not gonna do that. Nothing I will say will mean a fucking thing anyway. So why bother? Why isolate myself or be detrimental to myself and say something that would insult people that are my fans? I’m not gonna do it — not over something that I really honestly don’t even care about and that I know that I have no jurisdiction or power over. It’s pointless. There’s no upside. There isn’t. I just don’t get it. And I would even have this discussion with (outspoken conservative rocker) Ted Nugent. The same thing — I’d say, ‘Ted, what are you doing, man? You’re making people hate you. As much as you’re making people love you, you’re making people hate you. Why even bother? If you didn’t talk about it, you’d only have people that love you. Why are you bothering?'”
When one of the interviewers noted that while Lips doesn’t go into specifics with his lyrics, he will occasionally use his platform to rail against more general issues like assault on our freedom and suppression of the truth by politicians, government agencies, media outlets and people on social media, he explained: “I’m not going to say I’m Democratic or a Republican. Uh-uh. I’m not gonna do it. And I don’t think by saying that our liberty is condemned is being Republican or Democratic. It’s being observant.
“America is so worried about communism coming, but yet you keep going down this road where you’re abolishing this, abolishing that, making this banned, that banned, before you know it, you are a communist,” he added. “So, you’ve gotta watch how far you go, man. We’ve gotta start really being more diligent and watching where we’re going with our freedom and what we’re letting slip through our fingers. That’s how I feel, but, like I said, I’m just one voice in billions. It’s little or no difference. So I’m just observing, and sometimes it’s pretty upsetting. And it’s cathartic writing about it. I get to expel the demons.”
ANVIL will release its 20th studio album “One And Only”, on June 28 via AFM Records. The effort was recorded late last summer with longtime producer Martin “Mattes” Pfeiffer and Jörg Uken at Uken‘s Soundlodge studios in Germany. The same production team was responsible for ANVIL‘s last four albums, “Anvil Is Anvil” (2016), “Pounding The Pavement” (2018),“Legal At Last” (2019) and “Impact Is Imminent” (2022).

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