Gaahls WYRD who won the Norwegian Grammy Spellemann for “Metal of the Year” 2019. The award was granted for their debut album “GastiR – Ghosts Invited”
It was a different Spellemann this year, as the main event got cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak. A small TV-team travelled around to visit the winners on various locations. When front man Gaahl and drummer Kevin Kvåle walked in the doors at the Indie Recordings office earlier this week, they were met by the Spellemann Award, champagne, and confetti.
Listen to “GastiR – Ghosts Invited” AT THIS LOCATION.
Gaahls WYRD is the band around former Gorgoroth frontmen Gaahl. The band furthermore consisted of Ole Walaunet (The Batallion, God Seed, Grimfist), Frode Kilvik (Krakow, Aeternus), Sir (Trelldom, Djerv, God Seed) and Bård Kolstad (Leprous, Borknagar). Gaahl left Gorgoroth with much dispute over the right’s on the music and the band’s name with his former bandmates.
Check de onderstaande socials voor meer informatie over deze band.
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