STEEL PANTHER's STIX ZADINIA: “we're like the biggest DIY band ever”

In a new interview with Australia’s Metal Roos, STEEL PANTHER drummer Stix Zadinia spoke about the band’s songwriting process. He said: “(STEEL PANTHER guitarist) Satchel is our main songwriter. When you’ve got a guy like Satchel in your band who plays the guitar the way he does, and he’s like genetically engineered to write ’80s-style heavy metal riffs and he’s incredibly talented and gifted…. When we’re on the road, everybody’s throwing ideas out as far as, like, someone says something funny, and we start writing stuff down. And then generally what will happen is he’ll sketch out a verse and a chorus, or sometimes he’ll have half a song or a whole song, and then he’ll generally bring it to me next, because he and I are kind of simpatico in the music department. And if it’s something that I go, ‘Oh, dude, yeah, let’s roll,’ he’ll get fired up. Once we decide what we wanna do on a record, then we go into a pre-production situation where we work out the little details so we don’t spend the time and money in the studio. We’ll go do pre-production at rehearsal studios, but we play so much on the road that we don’t rehearse and we don’t get in a band room because there’s no time and it’s not necessary. With e-mail, we can do ideas at home, just flip something over to the other guy and go, ‘Hey, dude.’ Or he’ll throw me an idea and he’ll go, ‘Hey, what are you hearing on drums for this?’ And that’s kind of how it goes generally. I mean, obviously there’s variations, but that’s the general vibe.”
He continued: “When I was young, you lived near the guys you played with. And as we get older, we moved different places. Satchel lives out in Vegas. I live out in L.A. And so to get together, it’s, like, okay, well, somebody’s gotta hop a flight or make a four-hour drive. So we just throw ideas back and forth.”
Stix also talked about the importance of knowing the ins and outs of music business and learning how to generate profit and endure longevity.
“Fortunately, we are our own record company,” he explained. “We’re like the biggest DIY band ever. We’re the merch company. We do it all. Yeah, we do. So we manage our band. But I have guys who are specialists. I have a merch guy who works with us. And then I have a touring guy who does all the logistics. But we oversee it all. We don’t have a management company. We don’t have a merch company. We do it all, man.”
He continued: “I cannot express how much value there is in knowing your business and doing it yourself. Look, when we got rid of management in 2017 and I decided to take it on, I was, like, ‘Hey, I know that I don’t know everything, but I know specialists who know things about this lane and that lane and this plane.’ So as long as you know that you don’t know everything, you can find the answers. And it’s done wonders for our business, our bottom line.”
Stix added that “you have to have somebody in the band who’s interested and halfway able to focus” in order to be a self-managed act.
“It’s cool, man,” he said. “We really are DIY. It’s awesome.”
STEEL PANTHER did their part to share the message that things aren’t always what they seem online with their new music video for “On Your Instagram”. The song is taken from their last album ‘On The Prowl’ which came out in February 2023 under Membran Records.
Watch “On Your Instagram” below.
Last year, STEEL PANTHER released their album ‘On The Prowl, through Membran Records. Watch their ode to the music of the year 1987 below.
Also watch the previously released “Never Too Late (To Get Some Pussy Tonight)” below (age restricted in some areas).
‘On The Prowl‘ was released digitally and on CD, Cassette, and 2 different color variant records. Purple/Blue Marble is wide and Pink/Purple Marble will be a limited edition signed. All versions will be the entire 13 song album.
Tracklisting ‘On The Prowl’
1) Never Too Late
2) Friends With Benefits
3) On Your Instagram
4) Put My Money Where Your Mouth Is
5) 1987
6) Teleporter
7) Is My D**k Enough (feat. Dweezil Zappa)
8) Magical Vagina
9) All That And More
10) One Pump Chump
11) Pornstar
12) Ain’t Dead Yet
13) Sleeping On The Rollaway
Order ‘On The Prowl’ AT THIS LOCATION.
In early 2023, STEEL PANTHER singer Michael Starr spoke to the “Everblack” podcast about his relationship with the band’s original bassist Lexxi Foxx who left the band in July 2021. “I just talked to him today,” Michael said. “He’s doing good, man. He did exactly what he wanted to do. He started a family. He’s living in Chicago. Him and his wife just had a baby. So Lexxi Foxx is not gay. I thought he was gay this whole time. It’s so weird.”
Starr continued: “The party never stops. Just because he’s not on tour doesn’t mean he’s fucking having a good time. And we miss him. I fucking miss him. And we still stay in touch and talk. We talk just about every other day — just stay in touch with one another. I mean, we were together for 27 years, 26 years, and we know each other’s moms and dads and all of our cousins. We know everything about one another. So it’s been really, really sad not having him in the band, but I understand why he’s doing what he’s doing. And he was one of the smart guys — he saved up all his money. Not me — I’m still living at my mom’s. Let’s go.”

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