Watch: sign language interpreter performs STEEL PANTHER's 'Death To All But Metal' at U.K.'s DOWNLOAD Festival

A video of a sign language interpreter signing the lyrics to the STEEL PANTHER song “Death To All But Metal” during the band’s June 12 performance at U.K.’s Download festival is out now. According to Vice, sign language interpreters are becoming more commonplace when making major music festivals and concerts accessible to fans with hearing loss. Interpreters provide a service, giving ticketholders with a disability a more complete experience for their money.
Watch the live sign language interpretion of the STEEL PANTHER song “Death To All But Metal” below.
Performance sign language interpreting requires a high level of preparation and creativity. At the concert, interpreters are not just performing the lyrics; they are also communicating the musicality of the song with their bodies.
Four years ago, LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe praised the sign language interpreter who stole the show at the band’s concert by passionately signing the music and lyrics for deaf fans.
In the U.S., the Americans with Disabilities Act requires any place of public accommodation to provide interpreters if even one person requests one.

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