ROBBY VALENTINE released new single: ‘Don't Give Up On A Miracle’

ROBBY VALENTINE released a new video for the band’s latest single ‘Don’t Give Up On A Miracle’. The song is taken off VALENTINE’s last album ‘Embrace The Unknown‘, which was released on October 21st, 2023. The video features Kristoper Gildenlöw and Jeroen van Inkel, among others.
Watch ‘Don’t Give Up On A Miracle’ below.
Valentine’s latest release tells the story of Big Chuck, portrayed by Kristoffer Gildenlöw (Pain of Salvation, Dial). Big Chuck is an unhappy pig farmer, who dreams of becoming a worldwide famous rockstar.
It’s another early start for Big Chuck who reluctantly awakes to face yet another gruelling day, working his butt off at the pig farm. He finds himself being ridiculed by the local girls whom he’s trying to woo with his wannabe rockstar-appearance. We see his mom and dad – who are not exactly breaking sweat to help him out with the arduous work – and we see him writing songs and rehearsing in his boy-ish bedroom. His walls are covered in Valentine posters, as he is the greatest Valentine-fan ever.
Big Chuck then makes a bold move. He sells the pig farm, hereby evicting his parents to the streets and invests the money into studio time where he scores the major record deal he has coveted for so long. His plan works when he becomes superfamous, making the Valentine band ‘his’ band as they tour the world together. He has risen from performing to pigs in a farm to the heights of entertaining thousands of adoring fans including the girls from his home town who are now his biggest fans.
With his clever and quite often amusing lyrics Valentine has not only managed to create this wonderful music video but has literally transformed it into a short movie. We can only applaud his perseverance as he continues to create new, fresh and original material which he releases to a worldwide audience despite losing more and more of his eyesight, which has now regressed to less than 1.5%.
Valentine doesn’t give up on a miracle.
In February this year he released a breathtaking video for the title track of his latest album ‘Embrace the Unknown’, telling his own personal story regarding losing his sight.
The new single ‘Don’t Give Up on a Miracle’ is huge in contrast when compared to the sadness and depth of its predecessor.
Apart from Kristoffer Gildenlöw you might recognise some other actors: Robert Soeterboek (Ayreon, Plan 9, Highway Chile) as one of the record company executives and Jeroen van Inkel who plays himself.
Watch the previously released ‘Embrace the Unknown’ and album trailer below.
Album track list:
01. Break the Chain
02. Don’t Give Up on a Miracle
03. Never Fall in Line
04. Life is a Lesson
05. My Friend (in the End)
06. Roll Up Your Sleeves
07. Show The Way
08. Shadowland
09. Take Me to the Light
10. Embrace the Unknown
Order ‘Embrace The Unknown’ at

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