SUICIDAL TENDENCIES' MIKE MUIR: “we've been recording a lot of stuff”

In a recent interview with Bobby Dee Presents, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES frontman Mike Muir was asked if fans can expect to hear new music from him and his bandmates soon. He responded: “Yeah, I think we go about it differently than a lot of people. Especially, I think, when the COVID happened, you realize — as my dad would call it, he called it the panicky people. And you don’t do things because you’re panicking; you do things because it’s something you feel in your heart. And so when that happened, some people said, ‘Oh, we’re recording all these songs. We’re doing this. Ain’t got nothing else to do.’ And I go, ‘That’s not what music’s about. It’s not about, you got nothing better to do.’ You should have things better. If you don’t, then you better spend some time trying to figure out what you need to be doing. But there’s a lot of music that we’ve always recorded that we love, that means stuff to us. And then there’s stuff you realize that, like — I go back to the first record. One of my best friends said, he goes, ‘Man, Mike, listen to radio. You can do that. What you’re doing ain’t music.’ And I go, ‘I don’t like what’s on the radio, so I don’t wanna do that. I just wanna do my thing, whether people like it or not.’ He goes, ‘You don’t think people like it?’ I go, ‘I don’t care if people like it. It’s what I wanna do.'”
He added: “And so I think right now we’ve been recording a lot of stuff and it’s completely different and to the point where I go, ‘Yeah, people won’t like this. So it’s probably what I should do.'”
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES‘ latest album, “Still Cyco Punk After All These Years”, was released in 2018 via Suicidal Records. A reworking of Muir‘s 1996 solo outing “Lost My Brain! (Once Again)”, “Still Cyco Punk” featured founding SLAYER drummer Dave Lombardo.
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