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DER WEG EINER FREIHEIT are now releasing an extensive studio documentary of the recording process of their latest album ‘Noktvrn’. The video is available via the band’s Youtube Channel.
Watch the video below.
DER WEG EINER FREIHEIT comments: “After months of hard work and going through countless hours of footage we can finally share with you the ‘Making of Noktvrn’ studio documentary. We have been accompanied by our long-time friend and videographer Emanuel Oropesa during our studio pre-production and the album recording sessions to capture the creation process of ‘Noktvrn’ as close as possible. If you want to know more about the live recording approach, the gear we used, our preparation routines or just random behind the scene moments, here’s about 3 weeks of studio work compressed into 45 minutes! For the non-German speakers we included English subtitles in the video, you can switch them on/off in the YouTube player. Enjoy!”
‘Noktvrn’ was released via Season of Mist on November 19. The album is available the Season of Mist shop on CD digipak, Deluxe CD + DVD box, Vinyl and Cassette AT THIS LOCATION. Listen to the album AT THIS LOCATION.
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