CRYPTOPSY reissuing 'None So Vile'

They made blasphemy sound fresh on their debut, but for their follow-up, CRYPTOPSY claimed the crown as the most vile band in all of death metal.
None So Vile established death metal as a truly vulgar art form. With each slurp from his chalice, Lord Worm smears the line between what’s sacred and profane until it’s dead and dripping. Lead guitarist Jon Levasseur shouldered more of the songwriting duties while seamlessly shredding between gut-slitting chugs, blistering technical riffage and orgiastic solos, though Cryptopsy still followed the textbook drumming of Flo Mounier. Trampled underfoot by a relentless piling-on of blast beats and oddly-timed bursts of double bass, “Graves of the Fathers” quickly cemented itself as a sacred rite amongst circle pits.
“In writing None So Vile, the idea was to create something heavier, faster and more technical than Blasphemy Made Flesh“, Flo says. “We were growing as musicians and so was our love for extreme music! At no point in time had we ever thought it would turn out to be one of the essential albums in death metal history. We are very happy that our fans did!”
Season of Mist is reissuing None So Vile on May 9, 2025.
Available formats
CD Jewel Case
12″ Black Vinyl in Deluxe Jacket
12″ Colored Vinyl (White with Gold Splatters)
12″ Colored Vinyl (Transparent Yellow and Blue-and-Black Marbled)
12″ Colored Vinyl (Crystal Clear with Blue and Black Splatters)

Infernal Bloodshed Over Europe 2025:
01 May: Kopervik, NO @ Karmbygeddon*
03 May: London, UK @ Incineration Festival
04 May: Exeter, UK @ Phoenix
05 May: Cardiff, UK @ The Globe
06 May: Newcastle, UK @ Anarchy Brewery
07 May: Glasgow, UK @ Slay
08 May: Manchester, UK @ Academy 2
09 May: Birmingham, UK @ XOYO
10 May: Nottingham, UK @ Rescue Rooms
11 May: Norwich, UK @ The Waterfront
13 May: Lille, FR @ The Black Lab
14 May: Enschede, NL @ Metropool
15 May: Munich, DE @ Backstage
16 May: Aarau, CH @ KiFF
17 May: Lindau, DE @ Vaudeville
18 May: Vienna, AT @ Szene
19 May: Budapest, HU @ Dürer Kert
20 May: Prague, CZ @ Fuchs2
21 May: Schweinfurt, DE @ Stattbahnhof
22 May: Dresden, DE @ Blauer Salon
23 May: Krakow, PL @ Hype Park
24 May: Warsaw, PL @ Proxima
26 May: Berlin, DE @ Hole44
27 May: Aarhus, DK @ Voxhall
28 May: Hamburg, DE @ Logo
29 May: Vechta, DE @ Gulfhaus
30 May: Dortmund, DE @ Junkyard
31 May: Sint-Niklaas, BE @ Casino
01 June: Paris, FR @ La Machine
03 June: Frankfurt, DE @ Das Bett
04 June: Karlsruhe, DE @ Substage
05 June: Milan, IT @ Legend Club
06 June: Bologna, IT @ Locomotiv
07 June: Lyon, FR @ Lions Metal Fest
08 June: Maastricht, NL @ South of Heaven*
*Decapitated Only

The Book of Suggering: Tome I & II can be pre-ordered from Season of Mist here:

The Book of Suffering: Tome I
1. Detritus (The One They Kept) (4:33)
2. The Knife, The Head And What Remains (3:30)
3. Halothane Glow (4:21)
4. Framed By Blood (4:20)
Total runtime: 16:47

The Book of Suffering: Tome II
1. The Wretched Living (4:51)
2. Sire of Sin (4:27)
3. Fear His Displeasure (3:55)
4. The Laws Of The Flesh (4:28)
Total runtime: 17:41