CLUTCH has “at least half of an album's worth of solid ideas” for next LP

In a new interview with The Razor’s Edge, CLUTCH bassist Dan Maines spoke about the progress of the songwriting sessions for the group’s follow-up to the “Sunrise On Slaughter Beach” album, which was released in September 2022. He said: “We’ve been pretty busy this year getting together when we’re not touring, getting together and just kicking ideas around. And we have a nice setup at home to where we are basically rehearsing — I shouldn’t say ‘rehearsing’, ’cause we don’t rehearse, but jamming — in a studio setting so that whenever we’re together and one of us comes up with an idea that we like, we can record it immediately. And so we just kind of are constantly creating this bank of ideas. And we don’t dwell on it as it happens. When something comes up that seems worthy of documenting, we record it and then we forget it, move on to something new. And then, after a month or so, having collected these ideas, we’ll start going through them. And we’ve been doing that since the beginning of this year. And I would say we have at least half of an album’s worth of solid ideas, and probably more than that. But yeah, I’m excited about it. The stuff that we’re cooking up right now, I think it’s really good. The plan, if all goes well, is to record something, album-wise, if not the end of this year, then early next year.”
Earlier in the month, CLUTCH frontman Neil Fallon confirmed to Bloodstock TV‘s Oran O’Beirne that he and his bandmates recently completed the first demoing session for CLUTCH‘s next LP with producer Tom Dalgety. He said: “We’re gonna try to maybe do [another session] in January and then another one right before we record. Hopefully we’ll have 15 tracks and then we’ll pick maybe the 10 best release those and maybe save some for a rainy day.”
Regarding CLUTCH‘s working relationship with Dalgety, Neil said: “Tom‘s great. I think sometimes working with a producer, personality is half the battle because they can have all the skills in the world but if they’re an asshole, you don’t wanna work with them. Tom is anything but that.”
As for whether CLUTCH fans can expect to see the band’s next studio LP in the spring or summer of 2025, Neil said: “No, it would be probably the third quarter. Nowadays, you’ve gotta have such a buffer. It’s getting better with vinyl, but we have to plan that in way in advance.”
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