Angelina Vehera quits COBRA SPELL

Bassist Angelina Vehenara announced her departure form of international all female sleaze quintet COBRA SPELL. Founded in 2019 by up-and-coming guitar phenomenon Sonia Anubis (ex-CRYPTA, ex-BURNING WITCHES), COBRA SPELL are slithering their way into the revival era of the 80’s heavy rock sound. Having announced a worldwide signing at Napalm Records last year, Cobra Spell and Vehera now part ways in order for het to pursue other dreams.
Says Vehera on Facebook:
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The Badeest BIGBASS player left the band 

For me it’s really heartbreaking decision, but at some point the band just stop working for me, I’m falling asleep and waking up with dream in my head of me running to the stage playing and singing my songs, and these songs they don’t let me sleep at night, I’m writing music since I’m 9 years old, I finished my first album when I was 19 and I never had official releases (bc of my own issues and other bullshit ofc) but everyday I’m waking up and I know that it’s all I want, that there’s nothing else in life I desire as much as music with no limits and freedom, give support through the songs to the once who experiencing same things that I once did, for me music is ART and in my art I feel home, complete, accepted and understood, it may sounds weird but u know I’m weirdo and I need to find my own weirdo way and have respect to my own talents and drop the fucking music before I join 27 club imao
Cobra Spell give me a lot of experience in different perspective of music world, I saw how it can be and how I want it to be, and unfortunately my understanding of music & being musician is different and that’s ok! Bc everyone should do whatever the fuck they want, and it or works for you or not, that’s it. I’m very thankful for the experience but also very thankful to myself for taking this really hard decision but choosing myself, and stay true to what I believe
I’m endlessly thankful for all the people I’ve met bc of the band, that’s priceless, sharing same stage, same studio, sometimes even same mindset, meet all these big dreams believers, was a pleasure
also super fun

Cobra Spell fans, guys so much support that’s just crazy, seeing you all after gigs, on sign sessions and just here on the internet I see you I hear you and thank you again and again for all your support.
Sonia thank u so much brather for believing in me from the very beginning and made bass queen out of shy kido with a dream now bass queen need to do important BASS shit

I won’t say that it was easy for me to do it, I was crying like bb 24/7 for days felt like I’m cutting off part of myself but my own way is waiting for me, it’s less then 3 years until 27, brothers & sisters. Life is short and we need to get the best we can out of it!
*I tried to be as less dramatic as I can, but I’m dramatic that’s fact I add fucking titanic song to slide video omg aahhah ICANONLYBEMYSELF bro
COBRA SPELL released the EP ‘Anthems Of The Night‘ one year ago, in March 2022 and has since changed most of its line-up, with founder Sonia Anubis being the only original member. The latest incarnation of the band released the single ‘Flaming Heart’ in October 2022.

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