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TROUBLE has eight to ten songs in the works for new album


In a new interview with Scott Davidson of Chicago’s Rebel Radio 92.5 FMTROUBLE singer Kyle Thomas spoke about the progress of the songwriting and recording sessions for the long-awaited follow-up to the band’s 2013 album “The Distortion Field”. He said: “So, on and off for several years now — I mean, probably better than a decade — there’s been pre-production very slowly just kind of creeping down the line here. So, I don’t know — there’s about eight to ten songs, maybe, on this thing. And they’ve been trickling the recorded music versions of them to me so that I can get myself in gear and started on vocals.”

As for a possible release date for the new TROUBLE album, Kyle said: “I couldn’t give you a timeline on it. I’m always scared to do that anyway, because it seems like every time you say something’s gonna happen at a certain time, it doesn’t. I think more importantly, we’re busy, we’re working on it, and that’s something that really hasn’t happened for a long time. But, yeah, we’re ready to get this thing going and give everybody a quality TROUBLE record. It’s been a long time.”

Regarding where he gets the inspiration for his lyrics in TROUBLEKyle said: “Well, I think it’s safe to say most of what I write comes off my sleeve. I like to write from my life experiences. That doesn’t mean that everything that I write has something to do with my life in particular. It might be current events that I’m looking at, it might be something that happened to someone I know that’s inspired me to jot something down. So, it’s never really one thing, but I do try to at least have most of the lyrical content have some meat to it. But on another hand, there are times when I’ll scat into a microphone when I’m listening to a new piece of music and whatever comes out, if it sounds cool, I’ll try to find words that match what I scatted. But you try to keep it interesting, you try to not get into a pattern. I think more than anything, you don’t wanna be in a pattern that’s looping the same thing over and over again. I think that gets a little boring, perhaps.

“I used to work with a producer when I was younger, and he had a word that he used when we were experimenting, and he liked to call it ‘blowing things up,'” Kyle continued. “Like, ‘Let’s blow this up. Let’s blow that up.’ And all that really meant was, ‘Let’s experiment with this idea and see if it sticks.’

“For me, my passion is a lot more aligned with songwriting and production and the magic that you make with your music in that regard, more so than trying to be a virtuoso at this or that,” Thomas added. “That’s less important to me than the quality of the craftsmanship of the material that you’re working on. So, I don’t know — maybe one day I’ll figure out the songwriting enough to be able to live off of it. But that’s definitely more important than just trying to be killer at something.”

When Davidson noted that Kyle sings the classic TROUBLE songs the way they were originally sung, Thomas said: “I’m a TROUBLE fan. Before I was really even in bands, I was listening to TROUBLE. And I’m definitely a fan of (original TROUBLE singer) Eric (Wagner) and Eric‘s work, his legacy, the band and its legacy. So, for me, it was never an option of… I’m not gonna sit there and pretend to sing like Eric or pretend to be Eric. I think that is a disservice to Ericand to me, but to me, what Eric did in the song, the spirit of TROUBLE through him, through his voice, through his soul, is what I like to honor. I wouldn’t dream of trying to put my own spin on it, per se. Now, again, like I said, I’m not trying to imitate him, but at the same time, there’s a certain way the songs need to be sang.

“There’s people that probably never will love me in this band because I’m not Eric,” Kyle acknowledged. “And I mean, I can’t help that. So, the good news is those old records will never let you down. Listen to those old records and stay home. And the people that wanna come see the show, they’ll come and enjoy it. I’ve met people on the road that are old, old friends of the band, old friends of Eric‘s. They came up to me after a show and they go, ‘Man, we didn’t want to like you, but you do such a good job, it’s obvious that you care about the songs and the band.’ And I’m, like, ‘Yes.’ That’s priority number one.”

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