STEVE VAI: “the guitar is the greatest instrument in the world”

During an appearance on the latest episode of “The Music Universe” podcast, legendary guitarist Steve Vai was asked about the enduring worldwide appeal of his music. He said: “I think there’s various factors involved. First and foremost, I think that I’m able to do what I do today because the music has something in it. Every artist infuses their work — anybody, actually, that is doing anything creative infuses their work with their DNA, their creative DNA, if they can surrender to it and they’re not just pantomiming something else, but they have found something in them that pushes their button and they’re able to manifest it into their work, their art. So, I’ve been able to do that. There’s a quirkiness, there’s an intensity, there’s a charm to my melodies through the years — and this is just from my observation — that the people who are attracted to it stick with. So that’s one factor, that there’s something in the music that attracts a certain type of listener. The other factor is, the guitar is just the greatest instrument in the world — come on. And it’s universal. It just represents something to people that is kind of locked away in their fantasy zone. The guitar is a visceral instrument. It’s dynamic. It’s cool. It clangs. You can do so much with it. So there’s guitar players all around the world — you’d be surprised.”
He continued: “You’d never learn about other countries and all these other places, the way they really are, you don’t learn that in school. You’ve gotta go there. So I started going to places like Eastern Europe and Russia and South America in the ’90s. And China. I was going to these places nobody was really going at the time. And what I discovered was there’s guitar players all over the world. And they’re listening to the stuff I’m listening to. They have access to my music. So because there’s so many guitar lovers in every corner of the planet, and because I’ve carved a career in the guitar community, when I go there, they come. Maybe they’re fans, maybe they’re guitar players that aren’t quite fans, but there’s a guitar player here. So I have a built-in audience all around the world in all these four corners. I mean, I toured Russia once for five weeks. I’ve been to Russia many times. I did Moscow three times in one year. And I started going there in the mid-’90s. I remember I was in India once, back in the ’90s. I wasn’t even there to play. And I was at this hotel. I didn’t think anybody was gonna recognize me or know me. I’m in India in the ’90s. And the woman behind the desk recognized me. And next thing I know her brother’s there and he’s a guitar player and then he brings all of his friends, and he brought his guitar and he wanted to play for me. And I thought I was going to get a little rendition of some rock and roll guitar with real classic Indian traditional values in it. I got ‘Tobacco Road’ (from David Lee Roth‘s ‘Eat ‘Em And Smile’ album featuring Vai) from the guy. So the point is, Western rock guitar playing is prevalent all around the world. And if you’re a part of that team, if you go there, they come. That’s why I’m able to play all around the place.”
On June 4, 2022, Vai began a world tour that has now staged 194 performances in 51 countries across the globe. Some of these markets he had never appeared in prior, amongst which are Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam),Kaohsiung (Taiwan),Zallak (Bahrain),Bangalore and Kolkata (India),Mumbai, Macedonia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, alongside six new markets in China (Foshan, Xi’an, Chengdu, Chongqing, Nanjing and Hefei). Over the course of this worldwide odyssey, Vai stepped foot on every continent other than Antarctica.
Now back at home after this marathon 19-month tour, Vai shared: “And I’m feelin’ good.” He reflected: “Did this really happen? The ‘Inviolate’ world tour saturated the entire globe. It’s far beyond anything I could have imagined when I was a kid practicing feverishly in my teenage bedroom. Traveling the world like this with my band, crew and family, touching and tasting all these magnificent cultures and feeling the powerful energy from the audiences was a transformative experience. I am eternally grateful to all the fans that came out showing their enthusiastic support, and to my band, team Vai crew, and all the promoters. Your efforts, support and love have made this phenomenal experience a reality. My cup runeth over.”
From January 2 to 5, Vai began the year staging his annual Vai Academy. Titled “A New Breed Of Virtuosity”, Vai Academy 7.0 was held at the Omni Championsgate Resort in Orlando, Florida. The “G3” tour will follow from January 22 through February 10, and then “The Satch-Vai Tour” will be staged from March 22 in Orlando, Florida through May 12 in Santa Rosa, California, featuring an extensive itinerary that will stage 38 appearances. This marks the first time that longtime friends Vai and Joe Satriani have toured as a duo-bill. It is also the first time they’ve collaborated on new music, which will be premiered just prior to the tour heading out.
Satch and Vai‘s musical careers have been intertwined since their very early days. Satriani served as Vai‘s guitar teacher during their teenage years on Long Island, New York. Their connection has continued to evolve over the years, even sharing record labels, starting at Relativity Records in the late ’80s, to both calling Sony/Epic Records home for a significant portion of the 90’s. Together, they have also frequently teamed up with a third guitarist on multiple occasions throughout the span of 29 years, participating in the semi-annual “G3” tours, both in the U.S. and abroad.

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