PANTERA Releases Limited-Edition 'Social Distancing' T-Shirt

PANTERA Releases Limited-Edition ‘Social Distancing’ T-Shirt
PANTERA has released a limited-edition social distancing t-shirt based on the cover of the band’s classic album “Vulgar Display Of Power”. 40 percent of the net proceeds generated from the purchase of the shirt — which features the “Walk” song lyrics “Be yourself, by yourself, stay away from me” — will be donated to the MusiCares COVID-19 relief fund.
Order the shirt in THE PANTERA WEBSTORE.
Experts say “social distancing” is the best way to curtail the spread and dampen the impact of the coronavirus on the population.
The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention defines “social distancing” as the act of “remaining out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings and maintaining distance (approximately 1,5 meters or 6 feet) from others when possible.”
In a 2017 interview with the WGRD radio station, former PANTERA drummer Vinnie Paul Abbott spoke about the 25th anniversary of “Vulgar Display Of Power”. He said: “I never ever think about how long it has been since the record was released. It certainly doesn’t feel like it at all, man; it feels like it was yesterday, almost. But looking back on it, it really was a groundbreaking record for heavy metal. It really set the tone for what modern-day metal bands do. They still use that record to A-B their records to — getting their guitar sounds, their drums sounds, this, that and the other. So it really was special, and I’m really proud to have been a part of it.”
“Vulgar Display of Power” was certified double-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) in 2004, signifying shipments of more than two million units in the U.S. since its February 1992 release.
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