MIKE MUIR talks about possibility new SUICIDAL TENDENCIES album: “we're definitely leaning towards doing it”

During a press conference at this year’s Hellfest in Clisson, France, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES frontman Mike Muir was asked if there are any plans for him and his bandmates to work on new music. He said: “When we did the last record of all-new material, it was ‘World Gone Mad’ in 2016, I kind of said, it sounds bad, but I don’t enjoy making records, because it’s like full-on mental fuck to me and, then it’s the time and the family and everything. It’s difficult. But now having (guitarist) Ben (Weinman) in the band, (drummer) Jay (Weinberg) in the band…. One of the first things Jay did after we did a couple shows, he’s just, like, going, ‘Dude, I wanna fucking make a record.’ And the way he and Ben, they said it, they go, like… Ben was, like, ‘When I was 12 years old and I heard SUICIDAL, it spoke to me. And other music, I heard a lot of music.’ He goes, ‘I wanna do a record like that.’ And that’s exactly what Jay said. Obviously, having (bassist) Tye (Trujillo), Robert‘s (Trujillo) a son in there, Robert‘s, like, ‘Dude, you guys need to make a record. do that thing.’ And so I think that we’re definitely leaning towards doing it.”
He continued: “We realized that a lot of people, with music, you look around and you see what’s popular, what’s trendy, and we go back to what was popular and trendy when we did our first record, and we didn’t do any of that and all the reviews were terrible. And so we’ll do a record that people probably will not like, and I will be very happy and stuff. But I think that years from now that people will sit there, and there’ll be a lot of people that are not so much into trends or genres that’ll go, like, ‘That’s a fucking really bad-ass record.’ And so that’s what I want to do. As I say, I like to like people, but I don’t care if people like me. (Laughs) It makes my life easier.”
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES‘ latest album, “Still Cyco Punk After All These Years”, was released in 2018 via Suicidal Records. A reworking of Muir‘s 1996 solo outing “Lost My Brain! (Once Again)”, “Still Cyco Punk” featured founding SLAYER drummer Dave Lombardo.
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