KING DIAMOND says new albums from both MERCYFUL FATE and KING DIAMOND will be ready in 2022

During an appearance on the June 21 edition of SiriusXM‘s “Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk“, Danish heavy metal singer King Diamond offered an update on upcoming albums from both his namesake band and the legendary act MERCYFUL FATE. He said: “Writing-wise, we are far with both KING DIAMOND and MERCYFUL FATE albums. Andy (La Rocque, KING DIAMOND guitarist) is doing a second run-through with his songs, the way he has been correcting a lot of things. Hank (Shermann, MERCYFUL FATE guitarist) has done the same thing, and I’m waiting for those songs to come back. The story is written, even for both KING DIAMOND albums, ’cause the new KING DIAMOND album ‘The Institute’ will be a two-album story. And that story is finished completely. I have a lot of vocal ideas for what they have sent me. I am writing my own songs musically too.”
He continued: “60 percent of the KING DIAMOND material, at least, will be mine — my songs — and all lyrics, naturally. MERCYFUL FATE also, I will be writing more in the direction of ‘Don’t Break The Oath’. Hank will be writing more music than me, but I will certainly write my share too. Back then, on ‘Don’t Break The Oath’, I wrote ‘Gypsy’ and ‘The Oath’ and ‘Come To The Sabbath’ and then this little piece together with Michael Denner, ‘To One Far Away’. So, it’ll be more like that — maybe Hank will have six songs and me four — but we’ll see how it turns out in the end. We’ll probably have too many songs.”
As for when fans can expect to see the new KING DIAMOND and MERCYFUL FATE albums released, King said: “The KING DIAMOND is next year for sure. MERCYFUL FATE will be ready to be released next year — a hundred percent sure too — but it will have to wait until KING DIAMOND is done, if you know what I mean. In the meantime, we’ll be getting the writing done.”
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