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Dutch metal band FOR I AM KING make a return with new single ‘Liars’, which is their first release in four years. Their previous (and most recent) musical achievement was 2018’s album ‘I’, the follow-up to 2016’s debut album ‘Daemons’. The release of ‘Liars’ also comes with the new addition of drummer Ivo Maarhuis (ex-Izegrim).
Watch the video for ‘Liars’ below.
“The past few years have been strange for all of us. The constant uncertainty about whether or not shows would go through, took a heavy toll on us. Yet, this period has also given us the space to work hard on new music and take the time to do so. This resulted in our best, hardest and most detailed work to date. We can now look forward to a period full of live shows and new music with a lot of enthusiasm“, guitarist Koen Scheepens explains. “The release of ‘Liars’ symbolises the beginning of a new era for us. We are leaving the pandemic behind us and starting a new fantastic chapter: we are back and going harder than ever!”, vocalist Alma Alizadeh adds.
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