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EXHORDER – talk about the topics of “Mourn The Southern Skies”
EXHORDER will release their first album in 27 years, »Mourn The Southern Skies«, on September 20th from Nuclear Blast Records. The band takes a deep dive into the meaning and topics on the upcoming record in a newly released album trailer.
Watch the new trailer for »Mourn The Southern Skies«:
EXHORDER’s founding guitarist Vinnie La Bella says of their resurgence:
“You can plot and scheme for years, even decades (as is in our case). You can work hard, keep grinding, bang the square peg in the round hole until it looks somewhat presentable. But sometimes you just need to let time tell you, it’s time. EXHORDER has its own soul. And it pokes me in the ribs ever so often as if to remind me, ‘Hey asshole, we ain’t done yet!’ Kyle and myself had a dream as teenagers. And as cliche as it may seem, we never woke up from it. EXHORDER has always crept in and out of our lives. So no magic bullet or formula here. It was only a simple matter of time before the right guys, the right songs, the right manager/label would finally come to the party. It’s been damn near 35 years since we first uttered the name, EXHORDER. 27 years since our last record, and a whole lot of breaking up and making up in between. So why is this time different? Why start again at 50 years of age instead of retiring? Simple… because it’s finally TIME!“
»Mourn The European Skies« – EU/UK Tour 2019
04.10. D Essen – Turock
05.10. D Lichtenfels – Way Of Darkness Festival
07.10. UK London – The Underworld Camden
08.10. UK Manchester – Rebellion
09.10. UK Glasgow – Slay
10.10. IRL Dublin – Voodoo Lounge
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