Dark Tranquillity's NIKLAS SUNDIN signs worldwide deal with Argonauta Records

Debut album by Sundin’s solo-project MITOCHONDRIAL SUN coming in early 2020
Argonauta Records is celebrating its 7th anniversary while adding one of the most prestigious, newest signings to their eclectic artist roster: Mitochondrial Sun, the solo-project by Dark Tranquillity’s Niklas Sundin, has signed a worldwide deal with the Italian record company.
Argonauta Records will release the debut album of Mitochondrial Sun in early 2020. Niklas is best known as a founding member and guitarist of Dark Tranquillity, the Grammy nominated Swedish metal band that for nearly three decades has helped carving out an entire subgenre and inspired musicians all around the globe. After 15 albums as a metal guitarist, Mitochondrial Sun is Sundin’s first public foray into different musical realms: Created with support from the Swedish Arts Council, the self-titled debut album is a diverse offering of atmospheric and darkly cinematic music where the songs differ wildly in expression and sonic aesthetics.
“I’m very pleased and excited to announce that the debut LP/CD of my MITOCHONDRIAL SUN project will be released on Argonauta Records early next year. The album has been a long time in the making, with some of the melodies and chord progressions dating back to the mid ’90’s, so it’ll be great to finally have it out in the open.“ Sundin comments.
“I first got in touch with Argonauta when creating the cover artwork for one of their bands and found them to be an enthusiastic and hungry label that’s not afraid to venture outside of the conventional borders. In other words, a perfect match for an experimental electronic album that covers a lot of ground and that’s hard to pigeonhole into any specific genre. This is my first solo venture in nearly 30 years as a musician, and even if I know that this style of music might not fit every metal fan, I think and hope that people will find it an interesting listen.”
The first single and video, “Nyaga” – whose title is inspired by a little known sci-fi novel by the Swedish astronomer and writer Peter Nilsson – will be revealed in full in October, but you can already dive into a first teaser of the track AT THIS LOCATION. Additional singles will be released before the full length album arrives in early 2020.

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