BLAST FROM THE PAST FESTIVAL 2021 replaced to 2022

Due to the ongoing restrictions, the Belgian festival BLAST FROM THE PAST is forced to postpone the 2021 edition again and is now aiming at 2022. The festival was scheduled for December 11th. The new date is to be announced on short notice.
Says the organisation:
“We are really sorry to inform you we are forced by government regulations to postpone Blast from the Past 2021. A new date for 2022 with as much bands from the current line-up as possible will be announced soon.
For people living in Belgium/Western Europe this might not come as a complete shock as corona numbers are soaring and Belgium is slowly moving back towards a semi-lockdown. Last week we posted that the festival was allowed with face masks. Yesterday, our government decided that indoor events with a standing audience are no longer allowed. For a festival like ours, following the current Covid regulations would mean 12+ hours of sitting down WITH face mask for everyone attending. And even following these measures, with the capacity of our venue we’re not allowed to continue with the festival.
All ticket holders will receive an e-mail concerning their ticket. Your tickets for the postponed 2020 and/or 2021 edition remain valid for next year’s edition; this is both for digital and hardcopy tickets. If you have any flights or hotels booked, make sure you take steps asap.
We were 100% set on going through with the festival, we’ve put tremendous amounts of time and passion into BFTP2021, so this decision is for none harder than for ourselves. Please give us time to process all practicalities and requests.
Thank you so much for supporting the festival and especially big thanks to the fans, the amazing bands, booking agencies, all our volunteers and anyone who’s put energy into this. You know who you are.
We’ll be back soon. We hope you will join us.
Kenny, Nina & Robin”

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