Benighted interview met Julien Truchan
Julien truchan: “It’s also a straight attack to all the poor souls out there who think that suffering with a psychiatric pathology can be kind of “cool” and try to show off, create a Youtube channel pretending to be sick and make money with it…”
Er zijn veel bands die zich extreem manifesteren, maar waarbij de muziek nog redelijk tegen mainstream radiovriendelijk aanschurkt. Voor het Franse Benighted geldt dat je dan wel een heel vrijzinnige radiozender moet hebben. Met recordsnelheid in drums, geesteszieke onderwerpen en een veelzijdigheid aan extreme zang om je pet diep voor af te nemen, behoren ze in mijn ogen tot de allerbeste extreme bands ter wereld. En hard spelen op zichzelf is ook maar een doel en nooit een middel, maar de symbiose tussen hun muzikale geweld en hetgeen ze inhoudelijk naar buiten brengen, is ook nog eens buitengewoon sterk. Dit is niet iets om aan je collega’s te laten horen, als je zegt dat je van stevige gitaarmuziek houdt. THIS IS THE FUCKING REAL DEAL! Zanger Julier Truchan is in de normale omgang in niets te vergelijken met degene die hij op het podium is en de vriendelijkheid zelve. Een geweldige, rechtschapen kerel, die ik alweer enige tijd niet gesproken had en nu, met het verschijnen van hun album ‘Ekbom’, is daar eindeljk weer eens een goede aanleiding toe. Voor fans waarbij hard nog wel een tikkie harder mag.
Ramon van Hengel Ι10 april 2024
Hi Julien, that’s been a while. Good to have you back with yet another killer album. What took you so long?
Hey man! Yes, it’s been a while! Nice to talk to you again! Oh, it’s very simple, pandemic happened! And instead of starting touring with all the great tours we had planned and party for the release day of “Obscene Repressed” at Inferno Festival in Norway on the 10th of April 2020, I was in my bed with 40° fever because I caught Covid working as a nurse in a crisis department… Ah ah! It was for sure not the best way to promote a new album and we only started touring a year after when things started to get better and that it was possible to travel again! We’ve done so many shows and festivals for this album and we finished last year with 2 European tours, one with Teethgrinder and the other one with Archspire, Psycroptic and Entheos! We started the writing process of “Ekbom” quite late and as we really wanted this album to be the best and darkest piece of our discography, we decided to take our time and take care of every detail!
Could you tell us a little more about how the line-up changes affected the song writing process over the last 4 years?
We decided with Fabien (guitars) that it was time to stop on July 2022 as touring with Benighted and have a full-time job is really exhausting and that he started to have health troubles because of this infernal rhythm. We stayed in contact of course and there is no bad blood at all between us, he is a great friend and he will come to one of the gigs of our upcoming tour this month! We also decided to continue with only one guitar as we know each other for years now and the alchemy between us works perfectly! Welcoming a new member is always a lot of work and energy and I do this for 26 years now so… ah ah! As a matter of fact, Manu is still writing everything alone in the band so it doesn’t affect the writing process at all. We always have the same method, Manu writes a demo where he records everything, including drums that he programs and he sends it to me. Then I prepare on my side a new structure for this track considering what could be the chorus, which part should be longer, adding breaks, arrangements… and once the track is ready, we send it to Kevin and Pierre who adapt their parts with their own style to make the most efficient possible!
Also, they sometimes say that when a drummer dies, at least five bands can wrap up. Weren’t you more scared, or honoured when your extraordinary drummer Kevin Paradis joined Ne Obliviscaris for their live tour?
We were very happy that he had such an opportunity and it just gave us a bit more work in terms of schedule and organisation but it’s ok.
About the new album, the title ‘Ekbom’ would mean “Bomb at the European Championship” in Dutch, but I assume it is referring to Swedish scientist Karl-Axel Ekbom, right? And not about his work about restless leg syndrome, but delusional parasitoris. What happens with such patients?
Ah ah! I didn’t know that! I just knew about the scientist who gave his name to the syndrome I’m using in our new album. It’s a pretty rare pathology which appears more with old women who develop hallucinations and conviction of having their skin infested with bugs.
It’s about as sickening as it gets, the mere thought about it. Have you, in your work as a psychiatric nurse, seen this up close and personal yourself?
I saw people dealing with insects’ hallucinations on and under their skin but their diagnosis was schizophrenia, which is not only a hallucinatory process like Ekbom Syndrome.
Would you say that delusional parasitoris is also the general theme on the record?
Yes, as it’s the main symptom of the character of the album. I don’t use it as the exact clinical definition of the Ekbom syndrome, as my character is suffering with schizophrenia and that insects are just the theme of her hallucinations. But as I knew the name “Ekbom” would be pretty enigmatic for a lot of people and sounded very catchy, I decided to use it as the title of the album. The story is precisely about a young girl, who spent most of her childhood taking care of her mom, dying with cancer. Because of that, she can’t develop her psychological structure in a proper way and develops the conviction that the enemy is always inside us and will destroy us from the inside at some point. When her mom dies, she finds herself alone and falls into schizophrenia and starts having hallucinations about insects crawling under her skin, so she tries to get them out by cutting herself. She also sees in every room a dark man with a demonic face who smiles as soon as she starts doing it.
Let me take a moment to process that before we move on… yes, I’m ready again. You used some very intriguing samples on the album, where did you get them?
Manu (guitarist Emmaluel Dalle, ALOM) created them with his computer. It’s the first time we use samples like this and it really increases the general creepy atmosphere of the album
Agreed, yes!
It’s also a very efficient way to slow down on some parts, before back with brutal “straight to your face” parts.
I won’t forget to like and subscribe, hahaha. Speaking of which, am I right in saying that the song ‘Fame Of the Grotesque’ is a small step away from your usual topics, or do you deal with the mind process of this as well in the song?
You are perfectly right! This song is about the way the girl of the story tries to make her pathology step away, by manipulating it and appreciate the symptoms instead of being afraid of them. It’s also a straight attack to all the poor souls out there who think that suffering with a psychiatric pathology can be kind of “cool” and try to show off, create a Youtube channel pretending to be sick and make money with it… The multiple personality disorders for example became such a fame, that some people are just frauds and it’s pretty sad and disrespectful to people who really have to deal with such a disease every day. But if it can make them feel better, I could tell them: “yes, you are sick, but not in the way you pretend”

I spoke to you in person on your tour with Wormed. You seemed to get along really well with the members of the band Izegrim, Jeroen and Marloes, who now founded a new band Haliphon, right? How did that come about?
Oh yes, Marloes and Jeroen are family to me and it’s always a great joy to meet them when I got to Holland. I saw them 2 weeks ago at an Aborted show in Hengelo and it was such a great party. We played several times together with Izegrim back in the years and have amazing memories. I am so happy for them that they created Haliphron and that it’s working so well. They are great persons and musicians and they really deserve to succeed!
Also, you are very open about the fact you found love, with Monica. What passions do you share more, music, or sports?
Yes, absolutely, she is a great person and we have exactly the same passions: Metal music and concerts, a lot of sport, horror movies, tattoos, party with friends,… everything!
That’s awesome! Back to the album, there are some amazingly fast, yet extremely tight passages on the record. Do you write them with the thought in mind that at some point you have to play the songs live too?
Ah ah! Yes, that’s probably the most challenging album of our career. The level of speed and technicity is insane. For example, ‘Fame Of The Grotesque’ is maybe the most difficult song to play for the musicians, because it’s so intense and relentless, no time to rest at all! On my side, I had kind of a huge vocal challenge for the song ‘Nothing Left To Fear’. We have nobody less than the fastest metal vocalist of the world, Oli from Archspire, performing guest-vocals on the track. It actually came from a joke we made on tour with them last year. During a party, we were pretty drunk and I asked Oli if he would want to sing on the new Benighted album and immediately accepted. But the song was not written yet, so Manu said “Archspire plays at 400 bpm, so I will write a special track at 402 bpm! Ah ah“! And the result is mind-blowing, Oli did great with his vocals at the speed of light. When we decided that ‘Nothing Left To Fear’” would be one of the singles for the promotion, I told myself that I had to work on my vocals to be able to do Oli’s parts the same it’s on the track. And now we can include it to the setlist too.
Amazing, although I have every bit of conviction you can pull it off. You had quite a budget to do promotional videos, right? At least it looks professional to me.
We have the luck to work with Kick Your Eyes, from Marseille, who are very good friends of us and also incredibly professional and have crazy filming material. I always send them my ideas; they work on it and then we organize everything together. The music video for ‘Scars’ was so funny to make: we had alive insects and at some point, I was supposed to put a lot of alive worms in my mouth and slowly push them out. Everybody was so disgusted (Lol), but the result looks just fantastic on the screen!
Hahaha, it was indeed a rather disturbing video, I give you that. So, what’s next, what are your touring plan?
We have a very busy year, with at first a French tour organized by Hellfest in April, which is called the “Warmup Hellfest Tour“ with Ten56. Then we have gigs and summer festivals, then in September we have the “Canadian Infestation Tour“ in Canada, with Cognitive and in November the “Beast Against Beast Tour“ in Europe with Baest and Coffin Feeder. We are working for a South American Tour in March next year and also Japan for May 2025. We will have a lot of gigs for 2 years.
Well, do promise us it won’t be another 4 years until the next record, as long as you can keep providing tracks at this level, I will always keep an eye out for your outpours. Is there anything you would like to say to our readers to close the interview down? Now is your chance, thanks for your time, again.
I can just promise we’ll do our best for that! Thanks so much to all our Dutch fans and friends! Every time we come, it’s unbelievable! We can’t wait to be back in November with the “Beast Against Beast Tour” and show you what the tracks of ‘Ekbom’ look like on stage.

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