Shuulak – Razorblade Messiah – Hudič
Na een succesvol optreden vorig jaar, smaakte het naar meer en keert Shuulak terug naar StudioGonz! Ook zijn Razorblade Messiah en Hudič deze avond van de partij!
Shuulak is een Nederlandse metalband wiens nummers vertellen over de obsessie van de mens met dingen die hem uiteindelijk zullen vernietigen. Weigerend zich te laten leiden door trends brengt de band een muzikaal eerbetoon aan de onsterfelijkheid van Heavy Metal.
*** Shuulak ***
SHUULAK is a Dutch Metal band whose otherworldly songs explore man’s obsession with things that would only destroy him. Unfettered by trends and uncompromising in its pursuit of excellence; their music stands as a testament to the undying power of heavy metal.
Eyes aglow with the fires of creation, SHUULAK – Eve Laetitia (lead guitar), Riccardo Terlien (bass), Angelo Tower (drums) and Bastiën Baron (vocals) – fervently stoke its flames.
In 2014 a friendship formed during previous musical collaborations lays the foundation for what’s to be SHUULAK. A shared, deep-rooted interest in alchemy and the occult provides fertile ground for inspiration.
Constantly challenging themselves, the bands members hone their craft. Either refining or discarding what holds them back, nothing is deemed sacred in making their vision a reality. Drawing from experience, the band does its own recording, photography and visual design.
In 2017 the band releases an EP titled ‘Nigredo’, a concept signifying the first step in the alchemist’s Magnum opus. Its songs are a collection of tales telling of humanity’s desire for greatness inevitably ending in madness and depravity.
The end of 2018 sees the release of follow-up MCD ‘Albedo’.
Angelo Tower – Drums
Eve Laetitia – Guitar (Lead)
Loet Braamkolk – Guitar (Rhythm)
Riccardo Terlien – Bass
Bastiën Baron – Vocals
Meer info:
*** Razorblade Messiah ***
[Old School Metal]
Founded in September 2015, RAZORBLADE MESSIAH is a 4-piece Old School metal band, hailing from Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Influenced by the great thrashers from the 80’s, with just a whiff of heavy-, speed- and powermetal, RAZORBLADE MESSIAH is all about pounding rhythms, soaring leads and crushing vocals, wrapped in aggression and melody.
Expect no mercy on your souls, while attending their shows…
“Iron Souls Remain United, Iron Beats of Metal Hearts.”
*** Hudič ***
[Melodic Black/Death Metal]
We couldn’t conquer our demons… So we became one with them