Pene Corrida – All Doomed
Tequilla, Borritos, Salsa’s en ALVARES??
wat hebben we ze gemist zeg!!
‘Dumpert, 3fm, radio 538, radio Veronica en vele zalen en festivals hebben het allemaal meegemaakt. Niemand is veilig voor de meest beruchte coverband van Nederland’.
Pene Corrida verbouwt popnummers om tot snoeiharde metal meezingers. POPMUSIC ON STEROIDS!
Pene Corrida combines popmusic with hardrock/metal. We strive to bring the best of both worlds…
Everybody loves pop artists like Justin Bieber, Backstreet Boys and Miley Cyrus but doesn’t like to admit…
Everybody loves heavy stuff like Slayer, Dimmu Borgir and Bon Jovi…
Pene Corrida gives you everything! Popmusic, heavy music, funky grooves and booty shaking beats.
Dressed up as a bunch of weird Mexican mariachi’s Pene Corrida will make lovers of popmusic and heavy music dance at the same time!
All Doomed
Post-hardcore/punk-rock band based in The Netherlands. Straight-forward, raw and sweaty riffs with catchy hooks and in your face screams.