Tickets for MetalDays 2021 are already on sale. As usual, the festival is limited to 12000 visitors only. Based on non-returned tickets sold for 2020, and tickets sold 2021, there are only 1200 tickets available for MetalDays 2021.
You can order your tickets here https://giggome.com/gigshow/552-metaldays-festival-2021
MetalDays 2020 ticket is valid for MetalDays 2021!
If you already have a ticket for MetalDays 2020, and you would like to visit MetalDays 2021, you just have to come to the festival and make sure you have your ticket for MetalDays 2020 with you.
No additional action is needed.
This is also valid for New Metal Festival tickets, Parking tickets, Electricity Hook up, and Comfort Area upgrade.