At The Gates – Nifelheim – Deserted Fear
On December 21st, Swedisch death metal giants At The Gates are coming to Trix, Antwerp for an evening of neckwrecking metal! Last year the band dropped their sixth studio album “To Drink From The Night Itself”, their second record since their reunion in 2007. At The Gates has an impressive back catalogue which features records like “Terminal Spirit Disease” and “Slaughter of the Soul”, so get ready for some classic death metal on 21 December.
Support komt er van de heerlijke no-nonsense old-schoolblackmetalband Nifelheim. Met namen als Hellbutcher, Tyrant, Satámas, Savage Aggressor en Disintegrator, en songtitels als ‘Desecration Of The Dead’, ‘Sarcrifice To The Lord Of Darkness’ en ‘Infernal Flame Of Destruction’ mag duidelijk zijn wat je kan verwachten: vuist in de lucht blackmetal met meer studs dan een mens kan tellen. De Duitse melodeath van Deserted Fear opent.