Splendidula – Fabulae Dramatis – LEP – Turpentine Valley
♫ Splendidula ♫
(Post | sludge | doom)
Splendidula was formed in 2008 in Genk (Belgium).
The self-titled debut album “Splendidula” was recorded in 2013 and released on June 22th 2013.
After some serious line-up changes the music evolved to a mix of Post, Sludge & Doom metal, with some additional grunts for a heavier sound.
♫ Fabulae Dramatis ♫
(Progressive, Avant/Garde Metal)
Eclectic, diverse and open-minded. We love to push our boundaries and try to look beyond the music genres and cultures.
Fabulae Dramatis prides its style on a “union of ideas, experimenting with diverse cultural and musical influences combined into one project”.
Their music has been described by Classic Rock Society magazine as having “deep thought and insular attention” paid to it with “the spirits of Zappa and Beefheart”.
♫ Left Eye Perspective ♫
(Prog Sludge Metal)
Left Eye Perspective is a progressive metal band from Ghent, Belgium. Boiling down elements of progressive metal and stoner rock, with flashes of rock and grunge music, their sound encompasses heavy riffing, proggy melodies and grungy vocals. The lyrics often refer to the infinity of space, desolate plains and immutable time as metaphors for melancholia, solitude and defiance.
♫ Turpentine Valley ♫
(Post-metal, post-hardcore, instrumental, rock)
Back to basics! Drums-gitaar-bas! Titels die teksten overbodig maken. Muziek die je treft tot in de ziel en meeneemt op een instrumentale rollercoaster van log gerommel, melodieus getokkel en strak getrommel. 3 gelijkgestemde zielen, 1 muur van geluid: zwaar, maar meeslepend. Van tergend traag tot opzwepend hitsig. Post-hardcore, -rock, -metal, -whatever … tonnen passie en massa’s speelplezier, daar draait het om.
★★★ PRICE ★★★
€3 for GRIMM Members
€5 General Admission